Installments with the tax authorities
The Government expresses its opinion on installments with the tax authorities, as regards clubs of all categories, from Serie A to those of Lega Pro.
Government decision
With reference to the request not to have sanctions, as regards debts with the tax authorities, with reference to the rule that had allowed professional football clubs, during the pandemic period, to suspend the payment of taxes and contributions, there is the government decision in this regard. In fact, after hearing the minister of sport Andrea Abbodi, the contrary opinion was reiterated by Prime Minister Meloni and the head of the Economy Department Giorgetti so that football clubs are treated differently than the other categories.
The request
The professional football clubs, through their league presidents, had made a request for the debt to be paid in installments, but also that of not having the 3% fine on the amount to be paid. Various political forces opposed this request by the clubs, including the representatives of Azione-Italia Viva, who in question time to the Chamber, by Minister Abodi, reiterated their opposition so that the football clubs could be treated differently from other taxpayers.
At the deadline set for 22 December, the clubs will be able to pay the debt in installments over 5 years, spreading it over 60 months, but with an additional 3% penalty.
Aid for clubs
Other current issues are on the agenda of Confindustria del calcio in this period. As far as TV rights are concerned, an attempt will be made to lengthen the terms on agreements with broadcasters, going from the current three years to five. However, this will not be allowed for those in progress, but only when they expire.
Everything will take place on the provision that should pass in the conversion into law of the “aid quater” decree. This provision will become essential to ensure that there can be greater competitiveness of the clubs, which through structured interventions by the government have the necessary aid to overcome the crisis born during the pandemic period.
Foreign football
In other countries, the time frame for the transfer of rights ranges from 5 years for national rights and 6 for international rights for the Spanish Liga, while in the Bundesliga the years are 4. The goal of all the major European countries is to bring them to 7 years, as happens for the NFL, the American football league.
TV rights and betting
On the issue of TV rights, some Serie A presidents said that this provision is necessary in order to allow companies to have certainty of income from TVs for a longer period and consequently make corporate programming in the medium and long period. In this way, broadcasters would also be more interested and encouraged to invest in football, knowing that they can plan their investments and consequently their revenues over a long period.
On the policies of the world of football, the statements made by the president of Turin should be underlined, who told the Gazzetta dello Sport: “The situation is there for all to see, ours is a world that has been experiencing difficulties for some time, much worse in the time since the pandemic. Of course mistakes have been made, but management errors are also made in other sectors of society, which also receive significant aid from the state: I am thinking of the tax credit for cinema”.
Another topic under discussion between the components of football, in order to recover resources, is that of betting. In a meeting between Minister Abodi and the president of the Football Federation Gravina, the minister spoke of “the right to bet for the benefit of the organizers of sporting events” proposing to include this topic in the competitiveness package and possibly in a not very distant period.
It is a period of great discussions on subjects which are fundamental for the survival of Italian football and which can no longer be postponed.
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