New provisions of the designator Rocchi for Serie A referees

le nuove disposizioni del designatore rocchi new provisions of the designator Rocchi novas disposições do designador Rocchi

Referees to the new provisions of the designator Rocchi

In view of the resumption of the championship, the CAN referees at the disposal of the designator Gianluca Rocchi met in Rome on Wednesday 4 January. The gathering served to verify the athletic condition of all the referees, before the resumption, and by the designator, to issue some provisions that will be essential to apply starting from Wednesday.

The instructions given by Rocchi above all concern four situations that usually occur during matches, on which the referees will not have to compromise.

Behavior of the benches and waste of time

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The first two concern the behavior that players and coaches/managers on the bench must maintain on the pitch. As far as the players are concerned, wasting time must not be tolerated, especially during a goal kick by the goalkeepers. This is the case in which many times, when a team takes the lead, the goalkeepers or other players who have to restart the game waste a lot of time.

In this case, the referees were instructed to intervene immediately and not allow, as often happens, to let a lot of time pass before play resumes. The second provision concerns the behavior that the people on the bench, reserve players, coaches and managers must have. In this case, the provisions given to the referees are zero tolerance, because too often, the members of the benches get up or go towards the pitch, to protest against the decisions taken by the match director.

Violent game and penalty kicks

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The other two provisions concern violent play and the concessions of penalty kicks. In the first case, the referees must be good at immediately determining if an intervention is violent, consequently intervening with a technical provision, which will be a direct free kick, or if committed in the area, a penalty kick. As regards the disciplinary measure expulsion of the player who commits the violent foul.

For the concessions of penalty kicks, the designator Rocchi said that the so-called penalties will no longer be acceptable. The concept expressed is that in order to award a penalty kick, the foul committed by the defender must be clear and obvious. This is because too often we forget that football is a contact sport, in fact many times footballers as soon as they come into contact with an opponent accentuate these contacts, misleading the referees.

On this the designator was very clear towards his team. Anyone who won’t be able to make the right assessments in this sense will certainly undergo measures for subsequent matches.

The concept expressed by Rocchi for these provisions is that the referees must demonstrate greater personality in the management of the match and all these provisions also serve to understand and evaluate who are the referees able to manage the most delicate matches. Matches that need trained referees with a strong personality to manage the most delicate phases that occur on the pitch.

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Tags: Referees and regulation, Serie A

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